什么是TrapTox? Donaldson整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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肉毒杆菌 In The Trapezius Muscle Can Provide A Slimmer Shoulder Look

TrapTox (sometimes referred to as “Shoulder Slimming 肉毒杆菌”) is a non-surgical procedure that involves injecting 肉毒杆菌 into the trapezius muscle in an effort to achieve a leaner upper frame and relieve the appearance of a “hunchback.” This unique technique has gained popularity for its ability to target and relax the muscles responsible for a bulkier, 肩部造型更加明显.


This treatment has seen a recent increase in demand since gaining viral notoriety on TikTok. Users create before and after videos showcasing their individual 3 – 4-week journey. These users often boast positive results along with their rationale for opting for this treatment, ranging from nerve pain management to a smaller and more feminine appearance. 


The TrapTox technique uses botulinum toxin (肉毒杆菌) to selectively relax and slim down the muscles in the shoulder region. 通过注射肉毒杆菌毒素到特定的肌肉群, TrapTox aims to reduce the prominence of shoulder muscles, 从而使外观更加精致和优雅.

This non-surgical approach offers an alternative to traditional methods, such as invasive surgeries or restrictive dieting for those seeking a more delicate shoulder contour.




Everything begins with an initial consultation to ensure that you qualify for this treatment. 在一起, you and your provider will explore your medical history, 讨论你的目标并建立期望. 

基于你的候选资格, 解剖和期望结果, the provider will establish a tailored TrapTox treatment plan for you. 该计划包括目标肌肉群, 推荐剂量, 以及对预期结果的概述.


在办公室澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网期间, the provider will administer 肉毒杆菌 injections directly into the identified shoulder muscles in concurrence with your custom treatment plan. The injections are strategically placed to selectively slim down the muscles responsible for the bulkier appearance.

The procedure is typically quick, with minimal discomfort reported by most patients.

复苏 & 结果 

Following TrapTox treatment, patients can resume their daily activities without significant downtime. 轻微发红是很常见的, 注射部位肿胀或瘀伤, which usually subsides on its own within a few days. 你应该 避免剧烈运动, alcohol and caffeine for the first 24 – 48 hours after your session to ensure the most efficient recovery. 

The effects of TrapTox gradually manifest over several weeks, with optimal results becoming noticeable within 4 to 6 weeks.

TrapTox结果:注意事项 & 会发生什么

  • 这是暂时的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法: TrapTox results are not permanent and typically last between 4 to 6 months. To maintain the desired shoulder slimming effects, individuals may need periodic touch-up sessions. 然而, some patients are able to preserve their results for longer periods of time due to lifestyle changes. 
  • 每个人都是不同的: The physical response to TrapTox can vary among individuals due to differences in muscle anatomy and metabolism. It is essential to have realistic expectations and discuss potential outcomes with a qualified injector during your consultation.
  • 安全 & 专业知识方面的考虑: TrapTox is an advanced injection technique and should only be performed by experienced healthcare professionals who are well-versed in administering 肉毒杆菌. Ensuring the provider’s qualifications and adherence to safety protocols is crucial to mitigate risks and achieve desirable outcomes.



克莱尔·辛克尔,宾州大学, is an expert aesthetic treatment provider at Donaldson整形外科. She specializes in a variety of nonsurgical treatments, 包括填充剂, 激光澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网和肉毒杆菌注射. Claire combines her calming bedside manner with her passion for learning the latest concepts in the industry to improve the confidence of her patients on a daily basis. 她目前在俄亥俄州哥伦布市表演TrapTox.

